Whether on-site, in the classroom, or in the field, LLWA can help you locate the opportunities to take your first steps toward a new career and brighter future. We can develop on-the-job training programs, including internships, apprenticeships, and customized referrals, so ask us what we can do for you.
A resume is extremely important to your job search. A resume is required for most jobs, and it and your cover letter are part of the first impression you give any potential employer. You’ll use your resume to showcase your skills, abilities, and credentials in a professional manner. LLWA experts can walk you through this process to ensure you get off to the right start.
Resume Builder: Through Illinois workNet, you can select a type of resume for your purposes, learn how to add skills and experience, and actually create the resume using the online Resume Builder Tool. Click here to access the tools and watch the video playlist for tips to get the most out of your Resume Builder experience.
If you are interested in advancing your career or finding a new one altogether, LLWA is your source for training and educational resources. Click here to access our Training & Education page where you will find educational opportunities, occupational or vocational training options, and other resources to help you develop your skills. We’re here to help, so contact a workforce specialist if you need additional assistance.
Being laid off from a job can be a traumatic experience for anyone. Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance assists individuals that have been laid off or are about to be laid off. On this page, you will find guidance and learn the next steps for a laid-off worker to achieve their re-employment goals.
Find information on specific business layoffs using the Illinois workNet® Center Company Layoff Search.
Click play on the following playlist and go through the series of videos for layoff recovery information.
Please contact LLWA for assistance with your search for employment opportunities, choosing a career field, changing careers, schooling, training, and alternatives to help you with your career development process. We provide transitional assistance for recently separated veterans and employment for military and recently separated veterans. Click here to explore the Veterans Step Guide via Illinois workNet.
VA & Other Benefits: To receive many VA & other benefits, such as unemployment for recently discharged veterans, a copy of the service members DD214 is needed. The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) will provide ex-service members information on their military service and copies of their DD Form 214. An ex-service member can file a request at http://www.archives.gov/research_room/index.html.
Success is the ultimate motivation! Many job seekers and businesses utilize the programs, services, and resources available to you in the Illinois workforce system. LLWA is proud to showcase their success stories with the help of Illinois workNet. Click here to view successes in your area!
View the PY 23 Success Stories informational packet. This information was presented and awardees were recognized on November 18th, 2024 following the normally scheduled WIB Meeting.
"The Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance, an Illinois workNet™ Center, is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.”
IMPORTANT! This website contains important information about your rights, responsibilities, and/or benefits. It is critical that you understand the information in this document, and we will provide the information in your preferred language at no cost to you. Please call your local Illinois workNet office for assistance in the translation and understanding of the information on this website.
¡IMPORTANTE! Este sitio web contiene información importante sobre sus derechos, responsabilidades y/o beneficios. Es fundamental que comprenda la información de este documento y le proporcionaremos la información en su idioma preferido sin costo alguno para usted. Llame a su oficina local de WorkNet de Illinois para obtener ayuda con la traducción y comprensión de la información de este sitio web.