1300 S 9th St, Springfield, IL 62703 · 
217-524-5996 · [email protected]


Who We Are

The local Workforce Board for the Land of Lincoln serves the counties of Cass, Christian, Logan, Menard, and Sangamon. The five-county workforce area is governed by a volunteer board responsible for overseeing workforce development initiatives in partnership with local elected officials. WIB membership includes representatives from business and industry, education, community-based organizations, economic development agencies, public vocational rehabilitation and labor organizations. Membership on the Board requires that individuals have optimum policy-making authority in their organization.

The role of the WIB is to ensure that the local workforce system is market-driven and responsive in meeting the employment and training needs of employers and job seekers.

Illinois WorkNet Center - American Job Center Logo

What We Do

  • Serve as a point of contact for business, industry and the public sector to communicate workforce needs
  • Provide a forum where private and public sector leaders jointly consider workforce investment needs of the region
  • Promote strategies to encourage lifelong learning and improve workplace skills
  • Assist in the development of new training programs to benefit the region’s workforce
  • Offer advice regarding workforce policy and programs
  • Coordinate with economic development efforts and activities to promote the region’s availability of qualified workers
  • Promote cooperation and coordination among public organizations, education agencies, private businesses and other interested organizations
  • Review and approve local workforce plans for workforce programs to ensure coordination of services and achievement of goals

"The Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance, an Illinois workNet™ Center, is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.”

Accessibility Statement

IMPORTANT! This website contains important information about your rights, responsibilities, and/or benefits. It is critical that you understand the information in this document, and we will provide the information in your preferred language at no cost to you. Please call your local Illinois workNet office for assistance in the translation and understanding of the information on this website.

¡IMPORTANTE! Este sitio web contiene información importante sobre sus derechos, responsabilidades y/o beneficios. Es fundamental que comprenda la información de este documento y le proporcionaremos la información en su idioma preferido sin costo alguno para usted. Llame a su oficina local de WorkNet de Illinois para obtener ayuda con la traducción y comprensión de la información de este sitio web.