1300 S 9th St, Springfield, IL 62703 · 
217-524-5996 · [email protected]

Approved WIOA Programs

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIOA) established a “customer choice” approach to services through a system of Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). WIOA funding is available to eligible and suitable clients who require additional skills in order to obtain self-sufficient employment. Under this Act, local workforce areas are required to fund only areas of study that have a high probability of resulting employment of a self-sufficient wage. Local WIOA staff review training providers and programs on a regular basis to ensure only those programs which have been determined to lead to long-term self-sufficient employment are available for funding.

Many factors are considered before a determination is made that a client will be approved for WIOA funding. Local WIOA case managers will help examine which training programs are viable options for individual clients. Such factors include prior education, experience, personal goals, barriers, individual/family self-sufficiency, and individual probability of success. Some programs have special considerations for approval and enrollment.

Approved (A)

These programs are currently approved for WIOA funding. Individual eligibility and suitability conditions apply. To search all approved programs in Illinois please visit Illinois WorkNet Training Program Search and search by occupation, zip code, or training programs.

Specific Enrollment (SE) Conditions Apply 

These programs have specific conditions for enrollment. Enrollment conditions have been placed on these training programs for one or more of the following reasons: a) there are limited employment opportunities in the specific occupational area b) prior program success has been undetermined and/or c) the entry wage level may not meet performance goals. Individuals interested in these training programs must show: a clear career interest and aptitude toward the occupational area; commitment of employment upon completion of the training (pre-hire); previous experience within the occupational area; necessity of training in order to successfully obtain employment; completion of an individual’s training plan as outlined in the Individual Employment Plan. Approval by the Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance Enrollment Committee is required prior to enrollment.

Sponsorship Required 

These programs require the sponsorship and guarantee of employment by a government agency, private employer or training provider. Individual eligibility and suitability conditions apply

Youth / Adult Prerequisite 

These programs are available to youth (18-21) and those adults and dislocated workers who require the course as a prerequisite for entry into another approved program. Individual eligibility and suitability conditions apply.

Training Options Through Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance

LLWA works to identify local Adult Education Programs including GED ESL. We also provide the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE). For those who are interested in advanced education through college courses, connect to free resources to prepare for admissions tests and locate state and local opportunities. Search for certificate to post-graduate education and training programs throughout Illinois. LLWA can also help you search for WIOA approved education and training programs. Please contact us if we can be of assistance.

Apply for WIOA Tuition Assistance

"The Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance, an Illinois workNet™ Center, is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.”

Accessibility Statement

IMPORTANT! This website contains important information about your rights, responsibilities, and/or benefits. It is critical that you understand the information in this document, and we will provide the information in your preferred language at no cost to you. Please call your local Illinois workNet office for assistance in the translation and understanding of the information on this website.

¡IMPORTANTE! Este sitio web contiene información importante sobre sus derechos, responsabilidades y/o beneficios. Es fundamental que comprenda la información de este documento y le proporcionaremos la información en su idioma preferido sin costo alguno para usted. Llame a su oficina local de WorkNet de Illinois para obtener ayuda con la traducción y comprensión de la información de este sitio web.